
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 10.

I am so happy that my friend Becca is in town from Maryland. We went down to Duniden so I can take some pictures of her beautiful self. If only we weren't so many miles apart. I sure do miss her!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 9.

I need it...most every morning!
Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 8.

Young friendships never die.
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 7.

I am posting pics from yesterday from Jaime's Bridal Shower. What makes for a good day is some yummy treats!

Day 6.

Our 2nd annual MS Walk at Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa Bay.
Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 5.

This is an old pair of reading spectacles that were Jason's great grandfathers. I love things that are passed from generation to generation. Anything that has true meaning behind it is so special.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 4.

Happy mornings in our household. This isn't the most spectacular picture, but this is so sweet. Laila was playing and Koda came right over to give her some doggy sniffs. For the most part he stays away from her, unless she is eating or someone is here he wants to protect her. He still seems to be unsure about her at times. But he's learning to love her. ha! It's so cute.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 3.

Oh how I love this! Sand, Sunshine, and smiles! These were taken yesterday at the Key Vista Nature Park in New Port Richey. This place is so much fun...you have to walk through a trail of woods to get to the beach area. Bare with me as this challenge is supposed to be pics taken on the day. But having a 14 month old can be hard to take a pic and put it on the computer right away. But I am trying my hardest to post a new pic everyday. Hope you like this series of pics!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2.

We did some arts and crafts today! Laila enjoyed playing with crayons and scribbling on paper. I'm starting her early on being artistic. She will definantly get it from me and not her daddy. The Milheiser side is full of artistic talents. I love to draw, color, and be crafty...so this is so much fun for me!
Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 1.

Taken at Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay. I'm a sucker for beautiful flowers in springtime!
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Photography 365 Day Challenge.

Thanks to my best friend Becca and her wonderful ideas I have decided to do the photography challenge. We have both been wanting to get into photography for a while now and wanting to start a business together, but unfortunantly it is hard considering we are hundreds of miles away. We have the same camera, sames lenses...so we each practice and work hard at it. I am going to attempt to take a picture each day of things I have been practicing on and blog it. It will force me into practicing more on different objects and people. As you all know I enjoy being behind the camera (and infront of it at times!). I am always up for new challenges and would love to take pictures of precious children, families, couples, pets, and just simply everyday living.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Everywhere a hip hop.

My little girl is hard to photograph. She barely wants to sit still and she now wants to run all over the place. Doesn't help she was distracted by the beautiful herons and ducks at the park. I'm learning and practicing a lot! Not that thrilled with these, may have to snap some more. But here are some of Laila for her second Easter. I'm ahead of the ball this time and took them early. We got a busy month planned and before you know it Easter will be here. Looking forward to spring being in full bloom!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby Hayden

Today, I had the pleasure of taking portraits of the Hatcher family. Mommy Shannon is an old childhood neighbor friend I grew up with. I got to meet her little man for the first time today. Hayden is 6 months old and couldn't be more adorable! I got hundreds of pictures and it was hard for me to narrow it down to the one's I wanted to share, but here they are. It was the most perfect weather for a day in the park. Auntie MarMar came along and played assistant.

I'm looking forward to taking more pictures of them!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Elijah